Developing Solutions for People and Nature
Nature is the foundation of strong communities and a prosperous economy. Solutions that are good for people must also be good for our underlying natural systems. Our collection of research shows the breadth of our expertise.

The Economic Power of Natural Climate Solutions
This report demonstrates how Natural Climate Solutions can bolster profitability and economic resilience while also supporting the well-being of nature, people and the planet.
Published Science
MPAN Monitoring: Supplementary Report
This Supplementary Report provides detailed case studies, expert insights and a literature review on best practices for operationalizing monitoring for marine protected area networks (MPANs).
Best Practices for Marine Protected Area Networks
Drawing from five global MPAN case studies, peer reviewed literature and expert interviews, this report presents global lessons and suggested best practices for operationalizing MPAN monitoring.
Commercial Fisher Perceptions
Understanding how those most connected to fisheries perceive the risks associated with climate change is critical to developing effective responses and establishing management priorities.
Impact of the 2014–2016 Marine Heatwave
In this paper, we synthesize the impacts of the 2014–2016 marine heatwave on US and Canada West Coast fisheries and extract key lessons for preparing global fisheries science, management, and industries for the future.
Fish, People and Systems of Power
This essay explores shifting scientific understandings of fish and the evolution of fisheries science, and it grapples with colonialism as a system of power.
Flood Effects on Road–Stream Crossings
Economic and Ecological Benefits of Stream Simulation Designs
L’initiative Staying Connected
Pour reconnecter la nature et les humains par-delà les frontières
Protect, manage and then restore lands for climate mitigation
Study published in Nature: Climate Change with lead authors Susan Cook-Patton and Ronnie Drever
Natural Climate Solutions for Canada
This study shows that Canada can reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 78 megatonnes CO2e in 2030 through Natural Climate Solutions.
Connectivity Guidelines
Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors co-authored by Jessica Levine
Enabling Coexistence
Navigating predator-induced regime shifts in human-ocean systems by Jenn Burt
Conservation Through Co-Occurrence
Woodland caribou as a focal species for boreal biodiversity by Dr. Ronnie Drever
Staying Connected Initiative
Map showing the Northern Appalachian-Acadian region, the most intact temperate broadleaf forest in the world.
Reports and Evaluations
Planning for the Future
Community-led conservation planning in the Sahtú region is prioritizing and regenerating Indigenous Knowledge, law, and way of life.
The Economic Power of Natural Climate Solutions
Working in partnership with nature can support healthy ecosystems, communities and economies. Developed with Smart Prosperity Institute, this publication identifies the challenges and opportunities for unlocking the economic potential of Natural Climate Solutions.
What Works in Capacity Strengthening Initiatives
This report synthesizes factors that contribute to the effectiveness of leading capacity strengthening initiatives (CSIs) with Indigenous and local communities, organizations and groups and shares key insights from 12 effective and inspiring CSIs.
Case Studies: Capacity Strengthening Initiatives
This case studies report complements the report "What Works in Capacity Strengthening Initiatives" and contains twelve detailed profiles of effective and inspiring capacity strengthening initiatives from around the world.
Adoption Barriers of Regenerative Agriculture
This report identifies key barriers to the adoption of regenerative agriculture from the perspectives of agricultural producers from the three Prairie provinces of Canada.
Central Coast Fisheries Investment Initiative
A project overview of Nature United and Central Coast Commercial Fisheries Association (CCCFA) collaboration to raise capital and invest in local commercial harvesting capacity to generate sustained economic, socio-cultural and ecological benefits for Central Coast First Nation communities.
Supporting Indigenous Leadership (EN)
This brief outlines why Canada needs to diversify policy options and broaden funding for Indigenous Nations and communities wanting to conserve nature, reverse biodiversity loss, mitigate climate change and enhance their local economies through Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).
Supporting Indigenous Leadership (FR)
This brief outlines why Canada needs to diversify policy options and broaden funding for Indigenous Nations and communities wanting to conserve nature, reverse biodiversity loss, mitigate climate change and enhance their local economies through Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).
Budget 2024 Recommendations
This submission offers five recommendations for Finance Canada’s consideration as it prepares to announce the Government of Canada’s 2024 budget.
Biodiversity Strategy and Accountability Act
Our submission to the Government of Canada’s consultations towards a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Manitoba Community Highlights
This booklet showcases recent successes in Northwestern Manitoba communities.
Exploring Wildfire and Carbon
A report on the complex relationships between the boreal landscape, wildfire, carbon, climate change and wildfire management option, as well as potential natural climate solutions that may mitigate carbon loss from wildfire in northern Manitoba.
Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains
This report summarizes how a Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains Initiative will accelerate the uptake of beneficial management practices at a regional scale, while driving better outcomes for the sector as a whole.
Beneficial Management Practices
This report describes promising practices for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector of the Canadian Prairies.
Budget Recommendations 2023
This submission offers three recommendations for Finance Canada’s consideration as it prepares to announce the Government of Canada’s 2023 budget.
Indigenous Right Relations Strategy & Action Plan
Our organization is committed to advancing right relations with Indigenous Peoples. This is a summary of our plan, built on five strategic commitments, will carry us through to 2025, when we comprehensively revisit our organizational strategic plan.
COP15 Scorecard
The Global Biodiversity Framework will be a success if it is and includes these 10 elements.
Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations
Nature United's submission for the annual pre-budget consultations in advance of the upcoming federal budget.
Supporting Indigenous Youth
Indigenous knowledge systems, languages, and cultures were developed through the relationship with the land, resulting in an interdependent relationship between the two. Being out on the lands and waters leads to positive outcomes for Indigenous youth.
Moose Summary Report
A summary report showcasing Considerations and Recommendations for Initiating Indigenous-led Moose Monitoring and Research
Economic Impact of Bear Viewing and Bear Hunting
A report produced by the Center for Responsible Travel with support from Nature United about the economic impact of bear tourism in the Great Bear Rainforest.
A Blueprint for Action
Examines the future of conservation finance and proposes a set of concrete steps to further explore and develop funding opportunities.
Valuing Coastal Guardian Watchmen
A business case for Indigenous Guardian programs prepared by EPI EcoPlan International, Inc. for Nature United and The Coastal Steward Network.
Building Partnerships
Nature United’s Guidance for Building Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples
Communications Guidelines
Nature United has developed guidelines to direct and support our communications with and about our work with Indigenous partners.
Supporting Indigenous-led Conservation
Nature United’s approach to working in partnership with Indigenous peoples.
High Conservation Values in Northwest Manitoba
A comprehensive assessment of ecological values in northwestern Manitoba. Prepared by ArborVitae Environmental Services Ltd., the assessment conforms to the framework of High Conservation Values of the Forest Stewardship Council standard of sustainable forest management.
Climate Resilience, Lessons from Abroad
Case studies from around the world on pioneering efforts to build climate resilience into fisheries and coastal communities, including one from Nature United on BC.
Fishing for Solutions
Harvester perceptions of climate change vulnerability in Canada's Pacific fisheries
Canada's Agricultural Policy Framework
Leveraging the Power of Natural Climate Solutions in Canada's Next Agricultural Policy Framework
Other Tools and Resources
Balancing the Narrative
A resource for communications departments, teams and professionals within environmental non-governmental organizations that offers actionable guidance for respectful, responsible and reciprocal comms strategies, practices and approaches with Indigenous partners.
Theory of Change
Infographic sharing the way we work to support Indigenous-Led conservation in Boreal Manitoba.
Moose Management Guide
This document draws on the knowledge and wisdom shared at a Moose Management workshop held in Dec. 2018.
Managing Land, Living Culture
A case study showing how Healthy Country Planning helped revitalize fire culture in the Yurok, Hoopa and Karuk Tribes.